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Anthroposophic Medicine

Anthroposophic Medicine

Gunver S. Kienle | Helmut Kiene | Hansueli Albonico
Effectiveness, utility, costs, safety

349 Seiten, gebunden
ISBN 978-3-7945-2495-2
Schattauer Verlag

Preis: 12,00 EURO
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  Anthroposophic medicine is one of the distinct and important complementary medicine systems, extending conventional medicine by applying the cognitive methods and cognitive results of anthroposophy. Provided world-wide, particularly in Germany and Switzerland, anthroposophic medicine is practiced in specialized hospitals or medical centres, or is integrated in conventional medical facilities. It is being applied to treat a wide variety of diseases. Several elements of anthroposophic medicine have already been integrated into conventional medicine (e.g. art therapy, special nursing techniques, and medications such as mistletoe therapy in cancer).
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